Climbingpark texel


From our central tower there are routes with different levels for 2 hours of entertainment!

The floors of the climbing park are at 4 and 8 meters. And on each floor there are 2 routes with 8 obstacles.


We are open on fixed days and times from April to October. Online reservation is required. Below you will find an overview of the days and times that we are open and you can book directly.

Anyone from 10 years or older can come and climb independently.
Children under 10 years old must be accompanied by an adult and everyone must be above 1.30 meters.

Would you like to make a reservation and be sure of your spot? Book your climbing park adventure directly below! Any questions? 


We have very reduced rates for schools for primary, secondary and secondary education. For more information about this, it is best to send an email to:

Book your climbing adventure here!


Follow the signs: "De Cocksdorp" and take exit 33 on your left. You are now entering the Crimea holiday park. Drive up the park and follow the signs climbing park.

Climbinpark Texel: "Klimmen EnZo"
Roggeslootweg 6
1796 JV De Cocksdorp


What are the costs?

The costs are € 16.00 per person. This is the price that applies to both kids and supervisors

How long can you climb?

You can climb for 2 hours. How long it takes exactly depends on how fast you climb and want to climb yourself;)

What kind of clothes should I wear?

Sporty clothing in which you can move well.
Long hair in a tail, closed shoes and no jewelry.

Is there a minimum age?

From 10 years old you can come and climb independently. Under the age of 10 you can also come and climb, but you must be accompanied by an adult.
PAY ATTENTION! Everyone must also be at least 1.30 meters.

When can I come and climb?

The climbing park is open on fixed days and times from April to October. You can find these days and times in the calendar. You can also book directly here.

Is there a maximum weight for climbing?

Actually we do not have a maximum weight, but you have to be physically able to pull yourself up on something.

My child is smaller than 1.30 meters, but has climbing experience, can he / she still climb?

Unfortunately, with us you really have to be 1.30 meters, otherwise they cannot click themselves over and they will hang in their harness. This is not pleasant.

As a parent I do not dare to climb, but my child is still too young, what now?

Under 10 years old, climbing is only allowed under the supervision of an adult. Unfortunately, he / she cannot go with an older brother or sister up to 16 years old. Older than 16 is allowed.
We cannot offer guidance either, because we have to pay attention to all participants in the climbing park.

our guests talk about Texel active

Our guests give us an average of 9! Below you will find some reviews:
Remco Van Straaten
een maand geleden

Leuke middag activiteit! Blowkarten op het strand met de familie. Erg leuke middag gehad. Duidelijk en gezellige uitleg. Ook contact via de site en telefonisch met Shannon prima! Ze belde een dag van te voren of het het naar een dag later konden verplaatsen ivm zachte wind. Erg fijn! Top geregeld en gezellig!

Sd Tiemens
3 weken geleden

Super leuke activiteiten o.a. powerkiting 👍 helaas kon het blowkarten niet doorgaan.

Fieke Willems
2 weken geleden

Twee dagen op rij zijn we bij Shannon geweest om te blowkarten en e-foilen. Het was een fantastische ervaring! Het water was nog koud, maar dankzij de juiste materialen die ze had, konden we maximaal genieten van de watersport. Bedankt, Shannon! We komen zeker terug als we weer op Texel zijn.

Marcel Wijninga
2 weken geleden

Het blowkarten was echt superleuk. M'n zoon van 12 vond het nog een beetje moeilijk, maar het was heel erg de ervaring waard !!

Jenna de Beule
2 weken geleden

We hebben bij Texel Active de activiteit blokarten gedaan. De communicatie vooraf was top, zij boden ons ook direct vooraf een aantal alternatieve activiteiten aan omdat blokarten erg weersafhankelijk is. Ter plaatse ook alles prima in orde, heerlijk genoten van de activiteit met goede enthousiaste begeleiding.